Shumba, Northern Kafue, Zambia

Named after the prides of lion seen in the area, the camp is found on a wooded island in the centre of the Busanga Plains. The vast mosaic of grassy seasonal floodplains extending to the horizon, and mist rising at sunrise, epitomises the wild Busanga Plains. Its diversity can be discovered on game drives, as well as boating early in the season. Home to hundreds of red lechwe, puku, other plains game, and their predators – the remote floodplains seemingly go on forever

Shumba is situated in the middle of the Busanga Plains in the midst of various lion pride territories and is said to provide some of the best lion viewing in Africa. These lions are often seen in and around camp. The area is perfectly situated to see large numbers of plains game such as puku, red lechwe, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest, oribi, buffalo, and wildebeest. In addition, cheetah, and wild dogs may be seen; while a special treat is the "resident" herd of rare roan antelope. For birding enthusiasts, the park boasts close on 500 species, including the range restricted Fülleborn's Longclaw.

Standing sentry over these endless plains with breathtaking views are six stylish tents, raised on wooden platforms, on a verdant tree island. Shumba’s six elegant tents offer a tranquil space from which to observe the wilderness – spacious living with a cushion-strewn veranda for outdoor contemplations. Enjoy Zambian hospitality in the main area, where sumptuous dining, cooling off in the pool and shaded relaxation are the order of the day, while convivial fireside tales and stargazing are a nightly ritual.

On game drives in open 4x4 vehicles, guests may catch sight of the celebrated lion prides of the Busanga Plains, including other predators such as cheetah and wild dogs – plus scores of plains game such as puku, red lechwe, buffalo and wildebeest; perhaps even the rare roan antelope feeding on the fertile grasses. Led by a knowledgeable guide, interpretive night drives offer a glimpse into Busanga Plains’ unique, nocturnal world. A diverse range of species may be seen at night, including genet, civet, owls and occasionally the elusive leopard.


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