Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, Hoanib River, Namibia

In a remote area of the Kaokoveld, with gravel-strewn plains and dry riverbeds that draw fascinating wildlife, lies Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp. Explorations of this isolated yet diverse area take place via nature drives along the riverbed’s narrow ribbon of vegetation, where a surprising wealth of desert-adapted animals can be found; while in camp, the Research Centre provides further insights.

Hoanib Skeleton Coast’s location – close to the Skeleton Coast and within the true Namib Desert – is home to a rich diversity of wildlife, boasting the Kaokoveld’s best viewing of desert-adapted wildlife and access to vast, remote and isolated wilderness. Almost miraculously it seems, in this stark environment, enormous elephant thrive along with giraffe, lion, and brown hyaena.

Hoanib Skeleton Coast is an icon for the high-end, intrepid traveller seeking chic and exceptional hospitality within a startlingly rugged and isolated, ancient landscape. Overlooking a wide desert valley that slopes down to the almost-always dry Hoanib River, the main area and pool, look out over a waterhole that attracts desert-adapted wildlife.

Entirely different to the rugged mountains and valleys inland, the Skeleton Coast hosts Cape fur seals in their thousands along with black-backed jackals, and brown hyaena. Birds are equally diverse, with regular endemics like Rüppell's korhaan, Benguela long-billed lark, and lark-like bunting. Towards the coast, the bird community changes and tractrac chat can be seen; with jaegers, and skuas found around the seal colonies.

Nature drives showcase the magnitude of this wondrous lunar-like landscape and offer the best possibilities of seeing unique desert-adapted wildlife. Morning or afternoon drives are available, as well as full-day excursions. Attractions include true desert oases found in the Hoanib floodplains; as well as habitats being home to desert-adapted elephants, gemsbok, giraffe, and springbok.


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